The existing composite shingle roof is completely stripped. Hauled away. All staples, nails, and obtrusions are eliminated

The first inspection with the State of California is arranged and condition of existing roof wood is checked.

New Perimiter awning flashings are installed along with other perimiter edging metals. Heavy guage felt paper is then applied.

Homes new shingles are delivered and stacked onto roof ready for the new installation

Finished product and the State inspector is called for the final inspection

Homes new shingles are delivered and stacked onto roof ready for the new installation
New composite shingles come in many styles, colors, and length of manufacturer warranty. With a free inspection and written estimate, Advanced can determine the condition of your existing roof. With over 35 years experience in mobile home roofing you can be assured of a proffesional experience when hiring Advanced as your contractor. You will have a written guarantee on both the workmanship as well as the materials and have a copy of the permit and inspection process.